"No. 1 in the world of HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR TECHNOLOGY"                               "Leader with more than 10,00,000 lifts worldwide using GMV Technology"

Passenger lifts

Passenger Lifts - are devices used for the transportation of persons. The main parameter characterizing this type of lifts is the load in kg, which is closely linked to the surface of the cabin and the number of people.

Vehicle Lift

Vehicle Lifts VL® are made in the technique GMV 1:1 Technology - unique in the world direct drive 1:1, which keeps the cabin’s floor stable when entering the car.

Home Lift

Home Lift® - is a new product on the Polish market. It is produced in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EU -retains all features of the lifts.

Goods Lift

GPL® Goods-Passenger Lifts of loads from 900 to 12.500 kg and higher provide transportation of goods and accompanying persons.


The only Home Lift in the market with an MRL solution (Machine Room Less) with NGV electronic valve and with bio- degradable eco-fluid. Available with adjustable speeds.