Felicitation of Dr.Santosh R S at Raj Bhawan by Hon'ble Sri Bhagat Singh Koshyari "Governor of Maharashtra"
While the whole world was in a fix due to the Pandemic being a bolt from the blue, *Team GMV India* under the abled leadership of *Dr.Santosh R S* were on move as the community needed brave hearts and selfless fighters to come forward. Team GMV India endeavoured to help migrant workers by donating food, first-aid kits in a 3-days Covid-19 drive and donating sanitizer, PPE kits to Sion Hospital on 7th April & 14th April. We are proud to announce, on behalf of *GMV India*, our beloved Leader, *Dr. Santosh R S* is awarded with *Covid 19 Warriors - Janaseva Puraskar and Certificate by His Excellency Hon’ble Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari “The Governor of Maharashtra”* at Raj Bhawan, Mumbai on 27th Nov 2020 in recognition of our heartfelt efforts. *GMV India* is not only well-known for ethical business practices but also plays a vital role in social responsibilities and accountabilities as well. So as a part of our CSR activities, we felt this was the essence of time to support humanity during the tough times. We are extremely thankful and humbled by the honour received in recognition of our efforts towards society. As per *Dr Santosh R S Sir*, he owes this award to each and every member of *GMV INDIA FAMILY*. Special efforts supported by *Shri Ketan Dhodapkar, Shri Murari Amre, Ms Poonam , Ms Snehal and Ms Babita* were the actual backbone of this social contribution.